:: Cahuita Flora & Fauna:: Ciudad Perdida Ecolodge :: Cahuita Hotel

Ciudad Perdida has a privileged location for the passing of various animals that live on the National Park and its surroundings. You may enjoy some of these animals while you stay at the hotel and if you wish a more detailed observation you may go in one of the specialized tours.

Some of the animals you may see are…


  Inventory of Reptiles

•  Cananga odorata Ilan ilan
•  Cassia grandis Carao
•  Carica papaya Papaya
•  Ceiba pentandra Ceiba
•  Cecropia insignis Guarumo
•  Cordia alliodora Laurel
•  Cresentia cujete Jicaro
•  Enterolobium cyclocarpum Guanacaste
•  Ficus werckleana Higuerón, chilamate
•  Grias cauliflora Tabacón
•  Guazuma ulmifolia Guacimo, Guacimo Ternero
•  Morinda citrifolia Noni
•  Mutingia calabura Capulín
•  Pentaclethra macroloba Gavilán
•  Psidium guajava Guayaba
•  Pterocarpus officinalis Sangrillo
•  Senna reticulata Saragundí
•  Spondias mombin Jobo
•  Terminalia catappa Almendro de Playa
•  Theobroma cacao Cacao


Non Poisonous Snakes

•  Oxybelis aeneus Bejuquilla
•  Spilotes pullatus Mica
•  Boa constrictor, Boa o Bécquer

Poisonous Snakes

•  Bothrops asper Terciopelo
• Bothriechis schlegelii Oropel  
•  Micrurus nigrocinctus Coral

•  Others

•  Iguana iguana Iguana Verde
•  Ameiva festiva Chisbala

Palms   Inventory of Amphibians
•  Cryosophila warsewiczii Palma Escoba, Guagára
•  Elaeis oleifera Coquito, Corozo
  • Hyla ebraccata Rana de Arbol
    Bufo marinus Sapo Común

Inventory of Mammals


•  Bradypus variegatus Perezoso de tres dedos
•  Potos flavus Martilla
•  Nasua narica Pizote



Telephones: (506) 2755-0303 & (506) 2755-0606
Email: info@ciudadperdidaecolodge.com
Ciudad Perdida Ecolodge ©